Parents of murdered schoolboy Jimmy Mizen spoke out against Britain saying that it has become a country of anger selfishnesness and fear. The same time this appears so does a story about how teachers are demamding that they get the same amount of pay for a four day week rather than five, in this, a time where the rest of Britain struggles to stay afloat of the financial crises.
How much could this possibly prove what Jimmy Mizens parents have had to say. Youths are becoming out of control, businesses are liquidating and in a time where the country should be pulling together the most we are letting eachother down. Britain has always prided itself upon fair play, civility, manners and fairness, how could we lose that so quickly.
Children killing other children, children getting pregnant, banks out for all they can get, people out for all they can get. It used to be that you would only fear walking down a street late at night, lonely, dark. Now you can barely walk down to your local cornershop at 10 am on a saturday without getting a mouthful of abuse from some twelve year old in clapped out trainers smoking two cigarettes at once while his "girlfriend" rolls down the street pushing a pram. "Its working class culture" - since when? If my dad had ever given a mouthful of abuse to a woman walking down the street my grandad would have showed him what it felt like not to be able to sit down for a month. Time was when even police would give kids a clip round the ear and you respected them for it. Now its all "wha' you gonna do abaaat it?" because police are too afraid that the girl or boy they've just approached may have a knife on them.
No, its not working class culture, its a lack of respect culture. A lack of respect for elders, for ourselves, for our society. How many more teenagers have to kill eachother before people sit up and take note. Fahri has to serve a minimum sentence of fourteen years. By the time he gets out he may be about 34, 35, he'll get married probably have children if rehabillitation works. What sort of punishment is that? He took away someones life and should have the priveliages of life taken from him. He should have had a life sentence.
If people continue to let people off because of how young they are then nothing will ever changed, and the civility and fair play nature of this society will dissappear, along with any respect that anyone has for eachother.
Friday, 27 March 2009
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