Sunday, 22 February 2009

Somethings Wrong Here...

Having a conversation with a friend i'm convinced that younger teenagers are out of control. After the shocking revelation about the thirteen year old father and his fifteen year old girlfriend, another story has come out about two more fifteen year olds who have become mother and father to two twins, a seventeen year old who is expecting triplets. What is going on? Not only this, but little Alfie is now walking round in a jumper on which is printed "I'm the daddy... If not f**k you". Are his parents for real? Letting him advertise the fact that this society has let him down.
These kids cannot be responsible enough to have children can they?. Conceiving at ages 12-16, they clearly don't have a clue. What will it take for people to sit up and think, "hmmm something's not right here." I'm not some sort of prude or anything, but its sad thinking that these kids are going to grow up and realise they never had a childhood. Although how much of a childhood can you have growing up in their gang and knife culture. It is like they have a choice between one wrong and another - highlighting everyones opinion about a broken Britain. This is not about having abortions, it is about these kids who should NOT be conceiving children at the age of twelve in the first place. If they aren't responsible enough to use contraception then they can hardly be trusted with a baby! Society has really let these kids down, lack of sexual education? Parents who are not strict with their children anymore? Or maybe just the lack of something to do for children? It could be put to anything, but maybe if something was done, rather giving them so much publicity this crises may come to an end.
Forget about the recession, that will dissappear in time, shouldn't first priority go to the kids in this country, the next generation? This is something that is getting worse. It will not go away. It will not get better. If these children are going to act out this poor imitation of adulthood, then maybe they should be treated as such. A "family" that DO NOT support themselves (let alone children) should have their children taken off them and giving to someone who can care for them properly. An example needs to be set, standards need to be made. Society needs to help the youth in todays society. The future of Britain doesn't look good, our fast food nation is becoming a crises.
I'm not sure about anyone else, but isn't teenage preganancy becoming a little bit of a joke now?

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