Sunday, 28 February 2010

WINOL - Week Three

Week three... ALREADY! So this week I was informed that I was going to be the presenter for sports! EEK. I know what you're thinking... "Oh no!" Do you know how i know that? Becuase I thought the EXACT same thing!
I went to the news meeting Monday morning, but before anything kicked off I was asked by the news editor to go and sit in on a meeting of the Hampshire cabinet. I was quite nervous. I hadn't done it before and could picture myself saying something pretty stupid and being laughed out of the place! I was greeted by the press officer who introduced me to a few of the members and then the meeting kicked off, not before the head of the meeting welcomed me (all very embarrassing when everyone turns to look at you and your fumbling with an umbrella!) but I smiled and the meeting began! Mostly they were talking about reaching 80% of the targets that had been set for them and what they were going to do with the reward grants that were given to them. So I took a few notes and then came back to the newsroom. I missed the meeting unfortunately but had been told by the union president that there was a staff and student car parking forum that I could cover on Tuesday afternoon. I booked out a camera and tripod and went down there. Tommy Geddes was holding the meeting and was discussing the new park and ride opening in April. I got a few GV's and an interview with the guy in charge of campus travel etc and managed to get a good clip of him talking about how they had huge trouble with parking and that it was massively in demand.
There was one problem. I was presenter so I was unable to do a PTC or a voice over. Myself and the news editor decided to make it a nib. But because we made this decision so last minute I had already edited it as a VT so there were silent gaps on either side of the interview for a voiceover where usually it should just be an interview at the end. Because I had to practice the script and do run throughs I had no time to write a script or do timing so I left that to another member of the team. A mistake as when it came to the bulletin the timing was off and the script was not long enough for the presenter to cover the silent parts of the nib.
However, the studio element of the bulletin is improving week by week (no i'm not just saying that because I was one of the presenters) production members had said it felt alot calmer and although I was nervous, when it came to the live broadcast I was feeling alot more confident. All it came down to was being calm and reading the autocue slowly and clearly. If I had panicked it would have been a completely different story!
Well done this week! Hope it goes just as smooth in the coming weeks!

Thursday, 18 February 2010

WINOL - Week 2

So Winol in general this week was alot better than last week. But still not upto scratch. The lack of news on Mondays news meeting made it difficult for everyone to get kick started. Two of our reporters Claire and Jon had already filmed things where the rest of us produced ideas that were simply put down to not being very news worthy.
I had come in with a couple of ideas, but for various reasons i've had to either push them back a bit, or not do them at all. Our news editor had told us it had been a slow news week, and it was. In the end I had decided to go with a nib for the national NUS elections, it was only going to be twenty seconds and could fit in with Jon's story on the general elections and how students were not doing enough.
Luckily on tuesday the student union president Jimmy Weighall and the rest of his team were holding a meeting about it so I decided to get in touch to see if I could go down and interview him about the elections and whether he thought students paid enough attention or even really cared about voting in someone that was supposed to be representing THEM at a conference discussing policies that solely affected them. He said that it was always and always will be a big debate. But really they should do because its discussions about things like student loans, a big problem currently among students, and if you don't pick someone who is going to represent YOUR ideas then things will simply not change.
I thought he had made a valid point. I then worked hard to get some GV's. Footage of students, of the uni and also of the meeting itself and thought I had done a good job. Even my news editor had said that it was good. I then had to write a script and organise a link with on of the production team so that it fitted in with what Jon had already covered in his own.
Editing was easier and quicker this week. I felt confident that i knew what to do, there were one or two little hiccups where I had to ask for help, but overall i felt the process was alot easier and faster.
I finally had everything finished and it now just needed to be put in the bulletin. Paul (the managing editor) asked if I could be on one of the cameras in the studio to help them film. I thought this would be a good oppertunity to see what goes on in the studio as eventually I will probably be in there so I decided to go and do it. After the seven attempt shambles of last week Brian had told everyone they had one take and one take only. The team had a quick run through/rehersal and then went for it. It was going really well until... sods law... my package.
Now, I still don't really know what happened, but they started running my nib as planned and then started reading out another reporters audio for their own nib about a flasher who had flashed children. I believe the suspect being a peadophile was mentioned or something along those lines and then low and behold, MY interviewee appeared talking about the NUS elections, making him look like a suspect. So the whole thing had to be taken out of the bulletin as that simply wasnt the truth. Gutting for me because I wouldnt get any credit or feedback and it was an entire waste of my week!
However, I felt like the bulletin went ALOT better this week and Joey did a really good job presenting and kept his cool when there was a hiccup in production so well done to him, and well done to everyone else for pulling together especially after the ear bashing we got last week haha!
So next week is another week of WINOL, and i'll just work harder so this time my package will hopefully be even better!

Thursday, 11 February 2010


Friedrich Nietzsche was a nineteenth century German philosopher who in the end went insane and died!
Its often claimed by people of religion that he was a Nazi because of his hatred of religion. He believed that religion like judaism and christianity was a religion of slaves. The Jews and christians were restricted by moral codes that were largely based on following this one 'God.' Nietzsche himself believed that 'God is dead'. He believed that there was no creator of the universe, and that time was just a continuous thing with no beginning or end.
He truly HATED religion and in his theory of the ubermensch and untermensch he deemed those that followed religion as the weaker race. Basically in this theory he outlined that there was a race made of higher beings and that these 'supermen' would evolve and rule over the weaker race. Many of these 'supermen' were influential cultural figures such as Napoleon and Wagnar, people who changed history, or were unique and different.
Another substantial theory was Nietzsche's theory on what drove man, or the 'will to power'. He believed that things like ambition, achievement, the drive to reach top goals in life were all examples of the will to power. There are many different theories on what drives man, for instance Freuds theory on the will to pleasure, or another, the will to live. Each have very different outlines on what drives man, but with Nietzsche, he believes that the determination to be great is what pushes man.
I guess a lot of this can be seen in journalism. Newspapers, news channels even magazines strive to be the ubermensch or claim to be so. The drive to be the best source for news pushes people to go to extreme measures to get the best story. But I guess it can be seen in all measures of society. Everyone wants to be the best they can, but it doesn't mean we are weaker or stronger than anyone else. Just different.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

WINOL - Semester 2

This week was the re launch of WINOL - Winchester News Online. I'm not going to lie, being given the new role of news reporter absolutely terrified me! I don't say that easily... but I was scared! Scared of being the one to mess up, the one to let people down but I thought what the hell! A new role, more hands on a chance to really put in some good work. I was nervous but looking forward to it!
We had our first weekly news meeting at twelve on monday. This is where we discussed ideas that we had for the upcoming bulletin. Ideally we should probably have a few ideas or even have something already rolling just incase our initial idea falls through and we're left with nothing as we discovered on Tuesday when pretty much every story had been left dead in the water. Myself and the news editor decided it might be a good idea for me to book out a camera and go and film the universitys 'green day' as part of 'Go Green Week', my beat was the union and the students so as this had been organised by an events management student it was a good idea for me to cover.
I booked out a camera and went to see what I could film (after a refreshment on cameras given by Kayleigh James). As expected there were a few stalls but... something that might be fun! An energy bike. Surely if I got shots of a student on the bike it may make the package a bit more interesting! We managed to get the student union president on the bike, but unfortunately I did not use as much of this as i should have in the package. I thought that my package might have needed to be a bit serious as I didn't know it was going to be an 'An Finally..." peice. So I didn't really use much of the light hearted footage I filmed.
I decided to get an interview with the organiser and also the environment manager for the university. Unfortunately the first interview was over exposed and then when I went back to redo the interview it was too dark!! I decided to use the darker one as it was the better interview to use. Although I feel like it has taught me to always go with the prefect location and always to check the camera!
So the time eventually came to edit it. In all honesty once I was out filming the time flew by and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be (minus the one dodgy interview). With careful planning it would have been much better! Editing it... was going to be a different story. I literally sat there in front of the computor like 'OHHHHHH SHOOT' with probably more choice language. I didn't know what I was doing! Luckily my lovely group mates were one hand to answer any question and eventually I had the hang of it! "Lucy its literally just A and B" as Kayleigh AND Catherine had told me. And it was! Once I had the hang of it I literally got it edited inside a day and managed to get my voiceover and headline done the next day. Although in future i'll make sure I need a headline clip I will do it first, just so its the best bit! My voiceover was a bit quiet so i've decided to book out a camera and practice with the audio levels just so I can test out what works best in different situations. I think nerves didn't help the voice over too much which is something I WILL learn to control!!
There are LOADS of things I have to work on next week but Brian suggested that we take one thing that we're week on and kick it completely. Which is what I aim to do. On the brighter side... Loads of people said I sounded well posh! HAHAA!